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Commemorative Bench Program

Please fill complete this form if you would like to purchase a commemorataive bench to honour a loved one or outstanding member of the community.  Your contribution to the Township of Essa Commemorative Bench Program is a thoughtful and unique way to honour a special person or organization, and contributes tremendously to the community. 

Commemorative Bench Agreement between Essa Township's Parks and Recreation Department and the Purchaser

  • Benches will only be installed between the months of May 1st and August 31st
  • The bench location will be mutually agreed upon between the Township of Essa's Parks and Recreation Department and the Purchaser.  The Township reserves the right to the location's final decision
  • The cost of the bench and plaque must be paid in full prior the bench's installation
  • The Township reserves the right to approve the plaque's inscription
  • The bench will be of the same selection as all Townshpi benches to ensure uniformity

Total Cost for Bench:


How will you be paying?

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