Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Authorization Payment Form
1. There will be a $30.00 handling charge for any payment request that is refused by your bank due to insufficient funds or a closed account. A second occurrence will automatically cancel this agreement. The Township of Essa does not assume responsibility for receipt of inaccurate banking data. Any outstanding amounts will become due immediately.
2. Should your banking information change at any time, a new Electronic Fund Transfer/Preauthorized Payment Agreement must be completed.
3. You must provide the Township of Essa with written notification of any change in bank accounts or residence.
4. You may revoke/cancel this agreement at any time, within ten (10) days of the due date, by providing written notice to the Township of Essa.
5. You have certain recourse rights if any debt does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debt that is not authorized or is not consistent with the Electronic Fund Transfer/Pre-authorized Payment Agreement.
Please contact the Township Office at (705) 424-9917 if you require further information